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BigDataKing Public API
A listing of public API endpoints for retrieving BigDataKing coin data from the network without the need for a local wallet
API Documentation

API Calls
Return data from coind
- getdifficultyReturns the current difficulty.
- getconnectioncountReturns the number of connections the block explorer has to other nodes.
- getblockcountReturns the current block index.
- getblockhash [index]Returns the hash of the block at [index]; index 0 is the genesis block.
- getblock [hash]Returns information about the block with the given hash.
- getrawtransaction [txid] [decrypt]Returns raw transaction representation for given transaction id. decrypt can be set to 0(false) or 1(true).
- getnetworkhashpsReturns the current network hashrate. (hash/s)
- getvotelistReturns the current vote list.
- getmasternodecountReturns the total number of masternodes on the network.
Extended API
Return data from local indexes
- getmoneysupplyReturns current money supply172.17.0.1:3000/ext/getmoneysupply
- getdistributionReturns wealth distribution stats172.17.0.1:3000/ext/getdistribution
- getaddress (/ext/getaddress/hash)Returns information for given address172.17.0.1:3000/ext/getaddress/ELvb8AZRgHmdsDnD1HYFwbSY4UkPhoECCW
- getaddresstxs (/ext/getaddresstxs/hash/start/length)Returns last [length] transactions for address [hash], starting from offset [start]
- gettx (/ext/gettx/hash)Returns information for given tx hash172.17.0.1:3000/ext/gettx/6cb3babd256de253f926f10bc8574dadf0a3e2fc8380107b81eb07c67d1e73ed
- getbalance (/ext/getbalance/hash)Returns current balance of given address172.17.0.1:3000/ext/getbalance/ELvb8AZRgHmdsDnD1HYFwbSY4UkPhoECCW
- getlasttxs (/ext/getlasttxs/min/start/length)Returns last [length] transactions greater than [min] coins, starting from offset [start]Note: [length] is limited to returning 100 records per query
- getcurrentpriceReturns last known exchange price172.17.0.1:3000/ext/getcurrentprice
- getnetworkpeersReturns the list of network peers that have connected to the explorer node in the last 24 hours172.17.0.1:3000/ext/getnetworkpeers
- getbasicstatsReturns basic statistics about the coin including: block count, circulating supply, USD price, BTC price, # of masternodes172.17.0.1:3000/ext/getbasicstats
- getsummaryReturns a summary of coin data including: difficulty, hybrid difficulty, circulating supply, hash rate, BTC price, USD price, network connection count, block count, count of online masternodes, count of offline masternodes172.17.0.1:3000/ext/getsummary
- getmasternodelistReturns the complete list of masternodes on the network.
- getmasternoderewards (/ext/getmasternoderewards/hash/since)Returns a list of masternode reward transactions for address [hash] that arrived after block height [since]
- getmasternoderewardstotal (/ext/getmasternoderewardstotal/hash/since)Returns the total number of coins earned in masternode rewards for address [hash] that arrived after block height [since]
Linking (GET)
Linking to the block explorer
- transaction (/tx/txid)
- block (/block/hash)
- address (/address/hash)
- qrcode (/qr/hash)